Philosophy@Keele Newsletter 14th March 2024

We are on the brink of Spring, whilst still philosophizing. Here’s the latest research news at Keele:

Stephen Leach

Stephen Leach has co-authored with Gordon Warren the paper ‘Montaigne and Kenkō as Men of Leisure’ in Bulletin de la Societé Internationale des amis de Montaigne, 78 (1): 109-122. Click here for the full issue. In their abstract Stephen Leach and Gordon Warren write:

In this essay, Montaigne is compared to one of the Japanese originators of the essay form, Yoshida Kenkō (1283-1350). Both had chosen to be ‘men of leisure’ and so were free to ‘follow the pen’ wherever it took them. Their common practice is analysed in the light of Josef Pieper’s essay Leisure: the basis of culture (1948).

James Tartaglia

James Tartaglia has published an article on Beyond Belief, an online forum initiated with the intent of discussing life’s most mysterious questions. James Tartaglia’s article, ‘Why the World Needs More Public Philosophy. Transforming the human race into a philosophical species‘ is featured as the centrepiece of Beyond Belief‘s main web page. The piece gives an explanation of what public philosophy is and argues that the world needs more of it. It can be an antidote to excessively living “on autopilot”, a bridge between science and religion, and a kind of collective and rational control in the face of technology’s steep development. Do give it a read!

Stephen Leach and James Tartaglia

Many congratulations to Stephen and James on the recent release of the Persian translation of the book they co-edited The Meaning of Life and the Great Philosophers. The book was first published in 2018 by Routledge. The Persian edition was translated by Saba Sabeti and published by Qoqnoos Publishing Group. For the press release, click here.

We are expecting more exciting news and more sunshine in the UK as Spring approaches!

The Editorial Team: Meg, Shihao and Eric